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Nursing Newborn

Birth Preparation

Birth Preparation?​

Your experience of birth will shape how you develop your self-esteem and your ability to bond with your baby. It will also facilitate a smoother transition into motherhood and can shape and influence further birth experiences.


You may have been asked to make a ‘Birth Plan’ which is a set of instructions guiding your birth experience. EFT tapping for birth preparation goes one step further and emotionally prepares you for your birth experience.


Research suggests that 1 in 3 women identify their birth experience as traumatic (Heyne et al 2022, Watson et al 2021) with psychological trauma impacting on anywhere between 10-44% of women (Pidd et al 2023). Partners can also experience trauma associated with birth.


EFT tapping provides gentle techniques to process trauma without re-affirmation. EFT also also helps manage emotional stress so that a women can make decisions about birth that are not driven by fear or misinformation.


It is so important that you have a voice after your birth, so you can process your experience. Birth de-briefing can be undertaken at any time but is optimal up to 10 days afterwards to reduce the risk of laying down neural pathways which affirm trauma. If you have any questions about how EFT can aid your birth experience

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